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Our Online Christian Store
Show your support for the Household of Faith for All Nations in Georgia by making a purchase from our online store. We have all kinds of items and merchandise for sale that we believe might be of use or interest to our Christian community. Every purchase goes a long way towards sustaining our church and helping us fulfill our mission of service to God and to people. Place an order today!
Go Forward!
Product Description: There are forces that must be engaged and moves to make. There are things that must be in place, in order to make the plan of God for your life a reality. In this powerful life transforming book, we shall together explore and examine the relevant steps involved in making your dreams a reality. Get ready for a ride and an adventure of a lifetime. As you embark on this journey, every aspect of your life will begin to move forward and advance with supernatural acceleration!
Category: E-Book
Wisdom Key For Profitable Living Vol. 2
Product Description: Wisdom comes accompanied. Wisdom is one door that when it is opened, it opens other doors as well. When you have wisdom, you have all the good things that life has to offer. Jesus operated in wisdom, Solomon did also, and now it is your turn. As you contact this God-given wisdom, the story of your life will also be written for all to see.
Category: E-Book
Healing Is The Children's Bread
Product Description: When our Lord, Jesus Christ, commissioned His disciples for their assignment, He did not send them on the mission empty handed. He gave them power! Power against unclean spirits, power to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. The good news is that you also have been empowered, not only to lay hands on the sick and cast out unclean spirits, but you have also been empowered to live a healthy life.
Category: E-Book
Faith-Filled Confessions That Move You To Higher Heights
Product Description: In order to profit maximally and enjoy the full benefit of your confession, you will need to make it into a profession by confessing the Word over and over again, until you have an assurance in your heart that you will have what you profess. Remember what you declare is what will be cleared for you!
Category: E-Book
Wonders Unlimited
Product Description: God is a God of Wonders! When men saw the wonders of God, they gave their testimonies. As you read these testimonies, you will come into conscious awareness of this simple truth, which God wants you to know. Your HERITAGE is Signs and Wonders!
Category: E-Book
God Will Fix It!
Product Description: God has the ability to fix all things; ‘He makes all things beautiful’ God is the creator who knows what to do, when to do what needs to be done and how it should be done. Simply put; God knows how to fix it all. If you have a product with a deficiency in its performance or appearance all you need to do is call the manufacturer and he will correct it! God said concerning His works… “Call upon me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not…”Jer. 33:3
Category: E-Book
The Power Of The Seed
Product Description: God created man for dominion (Genesis 1:26) and God blessed man, and empowered him for fruitfulness, multiplication, replenishment of the earth, to subdue and have dominion over it. God empowered the man He created for dominion, which means to be in charge, take control, rule over and influence the Lord’s creation.
Category: E-Book
Power Pictures
Category: Soft cover
Advancing Through Service
Category: MP3
Sound of Abundance of Rain
Category: MP3
Knowing God as the Source of Your Total Supply
Category: MP3
The Power of Sacrifice
Category: MP3
Why You Need Empowerment
Category: MP3