Household of Faith for All Nations (HOFFAN) is another baby born from the womb of creation to save the lost, empower the saints and make a difference throughout many generations, through the preaching and the teaching of the word of God. The ministry was birthed based on the divine call and mandate that God gave His servant “come and join me in my harvest! For the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few” {Matt.9: 36-38}. This call was made on May 3, 2002 while God’s servant was praying.
The Household of faith for all nations had her first church service on June 12, 2005 with 19 people in attendance and an official inaugural service on June 19, 2005 with over 30 people in attendance. And from then on, the ministry has grown from glory to glory, and from strength to strength, due to God’s uncommon moves and manifestation in our midst we are unable to write our history yet, because we are still making history.
Household of faith for all nations is a company of winners empowered by God to live on the word of God and to affect people around the world based on the word of God.” Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God” Matthew 4:4.
We are a Word people; we believe in the wonder working power of the word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit and in the move and the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In addition, we trust that the Word of God will always deliver what is promised.
Based on the Word, we have enlisted as laborers in God’s vineyard to bring in the end time harvest of souls, as we reach out for the harvest the laborers are also rewarded, the laborer is worthy of his hire (Lk 10:1-11). That is why we are often referred to as a blessed people partaking of the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus.
The Household of Faith for All Nations was commissioned by God to save the lost, empower the saints, and make a difference based on the word of God (Gal. 6:10). Thereby fulfilling the purposes of a New Testament church, which includes: Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Service, Missions, and Evangelism.
- The lost will find salvation.
- Lives will be transformed.
- Saints will be empowered, i.e. spiritually, physically, materially and mentally.
- Emotional and physical healings.
- Making a difference in every family, community, state and nation
Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
- We believe there is one God, He is the creator of all things and is the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:4, Matt.16:17)
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God: He was born of the Virgin Mary through the operation of the Holy Spirit. He is man and God at the same time. (Matt.1:18-25)
- Jesus is the way: Jesus Christ is the only way by which we can get to the Father (John 14:6)
- The Bible is God’s word: All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is infallible. (2 Tim.3:16)
- All need to be saved: All need to receive personal salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 3:23)
- Jesus Christ rose from the dead: Jesus Christ resurrected from death after three days, He is alive forever more. (1 Cor.15:4)
The dead shall rise again: we believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal bliss of the saved and the eternal torment of the lost. (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
Jesus Christ is coming again: we believe in the personal return of our Lord Jesus. (Acts 1:11)
- Water Baptism and Holy Communion: we believe in water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper as an ordinance to be observed by the church in this present age. (Matt. 26:26-29)
- Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Power: we believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the power of God, with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. We believe in the gifts of the spirit and in the preaching of the gospel with healing, miracles, signs and wonders following. (Mark 16:17-18)
The Leadership
The Leadership
Bishop Olawale Olaofe
Bishop Olawale Olaofe
Presiding Bishop
Bishop Olawale Olaofe is the Presiding Bishop of the Household Of Faith For All Nations, a fast growing church in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a man anointed and called of God with an extraordinary Evangelistic grace and Apostolic calling. A Muslim turned a preacher of the gospel with an unusual insight into the word of God. This uncommon anointing has distinguished him as one of the men of God for this End-time, with a profound understanding of praying, preaching and teaching the word of God with signs and wonders following.
While praying on May 3, 2002, the word of the Lord came expressly to His Servant Bishop Olawale Olaofe saying; “Come and join me in my harvest, for the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few” based on the scripture Matthew 9:35-37. There and then, Bishop Olaofe, who was the Managing Director and owner of an oil company, hearkened to the call of God. Bishop Olaofe who was then serving on a part-time basis, as the Resident Pastor of a Church was later offered a full time pastoral office in July 2002. This was a confirmation of the call of God. Bishop Olaofe is the author of the best selling book “Power Pictures”. He has also written several prayer and confession manuals and he has several other titles awaiting publication. Bishop Olawale Olaofe is happily married to his beautiful wife Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola Olaofe, whom he calls “Queen”. She is by no means a lesser achiever, she is the co-pastor of the ministry. Bishop and Reverend (Mrs.) Olaofe are blessed with two dynamic children, a daughter Oreoluwa Deborah and a son Ifeoluwa David. Bishop Olaofe is a National Diploma holder in Mechanical Engineering and also a qualified engineer with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical). Bishop Olaofe a convert and student of the Holy Spirit, also attended various Bible School courses and Leadership Training. Bishop Olaofe is a man you would love to listen to when he speaks; he is such an amiable person you will like to meet personally. Someone once said, “he has such a terrific resurrection anointing, you can’t listen to him and remain the same” . Some who have been in his presence have said, “the unique aura of the Holy Spirit around him endeared those that are thirsty for the flow of the living water to get filled”.
Email him at: BishopOlaofe@hoffan.org
Connect with him on social media:
Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola Olaofe
Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola Olaofe
Bishop-elect (Mrs) Tinuola Olaofe
Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola Olaofe, the Bishop’s wife and the co-pastor of the Household of faith for all nations, is an admirable woman of God, with so much grace in the area of relationships and parenting. She is naturally gifted to take care of children of all ages.
Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola grew up in a Christian home. Her grandfather was a Baptist Reverend. This helped in molding her into a woman of great Christian virtue and character. From her early years, she believed that someday she would be in the ministry; especially because of a peculiar spiritual encounter she had as a child, coupled with the word of prophecy given to her by one of her Elder brother’s friend, a pastor who came visiting at their residence. He was led of God to pray and prophesy for her, and he revealed by the unction of the Holy Spirit, that she would someday be a minister of the gospel and she would also be married to a minister of the gospel. This has surely come to pass.
Beloved Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola is a woman given to much prayer; based on her belief in the power of answered prayers. Her prayer life has endeared her to the word of God, enabling her to be a teacher and preacher of the word. Her love for the Lord and compassion toward others have been the catalyst of the healing gift of the Spirit, which is manifested in her ministry with diverse testimonies confirming this grace. Reverend (Mrs.) Tinuola Olaofe, a graduate of Library/Information Science with Sociology, together with her husband is blessed with two adorable children Deborah and David.
Email her at: ReverendTinu@hoffan.org
Connect with her on social media: